Tuesday, April 5, 2011


This concise and fantastic edit of the 5boro team from their trip in South America over the winter really reminds me of what a lazy pile of lazy pile I can be. I was in Peru nearly a year before this particular trip and I can't bring myself to even import my footage much less edit it. I mean, it is two hours of primarily sightseeing footage on my crappy "flip" camera but it does include my only documented crooked grind nollie flip pop-over and a SICK clip of Worful, two things that just do not happen often. I could even spend the time i'm frittering away writing this now to start... but... I. just. can. not. seem. to. deal. with. the... tedium.

Welp, nothin' Saint Louis related here other than this old hoosier, but hell, these yanks floated on down the Big River with me a couple back, and if they ain't good for somethin' on this here thing then goddamn. Welcome back anytime. Any ol' time. Goddamn.