So awhile ago Bobby and I had this idea to start a website called The Borffics, combining my name and his name. Get it? Anyway, so what's The Borffics you ask? Well it was going to be mostly clips of people skating the Webster park. Probably? I don't know, we never got that far. But apparently there's a very similar site called The Berrics that beat us to the punch. Oh well, the lazy bird gets the turd as they say. So what's The Berrics you ask? Well I guess it's a website started by Randy, Marty, and Price and it combines all three of their names (sort of) in a very similarly clever way. Great minds think alike I suppose. But yeah, I'm not sure what the site's supposed to be exactly, but they seem to have posted their first every
video and it's very entertaining. Please watch it, Randy does a bunch of fakie flips. I hope this website of theirs takes off! -Worful