Thursday, September 30, 2010


I met Randy and some dudes at the blind school ledges yesterday. One of the aforementioned dudes was none other than Martin "Marty the Party" Murawski. He was working some intricate ledge combo type stuff when I got there, that was fun to watch. Meanwhile, Randy's foot is currently not cooperating, and poor Drew just had surgery on his arm. Get better soon Drew! Gabe was getting the high definition angle, and Pratte was getting a lower definition angle (so to speak). Oh and Alex was ripping as usual. But he was bummed about his shoe laces for some reason. -Worful

Wednesday, September 29, 2010


Apparently Bobby refuses to skate any spot unless it involves him threading the needle somehow. In this case, a tre flip over this hip and between this pole and the corner of the building. And while I don't "get" Bobby's current obsession, I'm supportive none the less. So I tried some ollies, but the only one Bobby was happy with was the one where I grabbed the wall. I deemed it too controversial though. -Worful

Monday, September 27, 2010


This weekend was pretty mellow it seemed, as far as skating goes. But I met up with Guy, Bobby, Zurheide, Steve Roberts, and Alex at this slight incline to ledge in U-City. That was fun. Alex got into a stalefish nose pick, and then got an ollie off a bump and into a steep little bank down the street, thanks to Zurheide who spotted it. So yeah, pretty low key, but fun and super good weather of course. But I can already feel it getting darker ealier, nooooo! -Worful

Thursday, September 23, 2010


Jake Zurheide (also known as "Zurm," "Zurchart," and "Prince Zurheem" of course) proposed a new graphic idea to me recently: a girl reading the Necronomicon, also known as "The Book of the Dead." Wow. -Worful

Tuesday, September 21, 2010


Here are a few double exposures that I got developed on the recent rainy day we had. There is a special term that Wissman coined this particular pictorial layout, but I can't remember. Speaking of Wissman, the part that makes this post a true double post is that I also wanted to get the word out about Wissman's recent unfortunate event. Someone, or a group of people, recently Grand Theft Photo'd his point and shoot camera while he was at the St. Charles skate park off Elm street. Any aid in helping find this would be greatly appreciated. Wissman just wanted to "warn" the culprit that they need not confess, but honestly we would all appreciate it if you would!


Monday, September 20, 2010


I met up with Guy and Bobby so he could film a trick at the lighting company bank. After a few tries he managed to ollie from the bank into the skinny ledge. Sick! -Worful

Saturday, September 18, 2010


With school coming to the forefront of responsibility lately, I have reluctantly put video editing on the back burner, studying on the front burner, and filming on that little burner in between the two front and back burners that is usually found on the fancier electric stove models (and I guess lurking on forums has been put in the microwave). So, if you can follow that logic (or lack there of), showing up fashionably late is the video from Chris Jackson's birthday!


Thursday, September 16, 2010


Bobby and I started off skating with one thought yesterday: we were hungry. So we stopped by Pointer's for some pizza, and when we were leaving we checked out this polejam out back. But because of it's close proximity to a telephone pole and a building it didn't seem doable. But Bobby specializes in these types of situations, and pinched one through in no time. Yeah Bob! -Worful

Wednesday, September 15, 2010


If there are only a few things and people from outside Saint Louis that get a video spot on this blog, then let TSM photographer and Illinois native Bart Jones be one of them. I've mentioned Bart's awesomeness here before. This clip will portray Bart's essence better than my words, so sit back and watch how he turns a typically boring interview piece into a riveting reflection of his own brand of gung-ho insanity.


I met up with Randy, Alex, Gabe, Jake, Derek, Joe Jackson, and Guy the other day at this new spot Gabe found. It's pretty sick, and Randy, Alex, and Joe gave it a good once over. Alex volunteered for stray board duty after one of Randy's kickflip attempts went rogue and nearly obliterated some poor guy driving by on a scooter. Meanwhile, I'm a little worried about some of our influence on the youth. In the end the session was a success and Derek seemed pleased. -Worful

Tuesday, September 14, 2010


I met up with Randy and a crew of dudes at the tennis courts the other day. Goeke and Crucial were working on some cool new obstacles, and everyone was skating really good, however I wasn't able to capture a lot of the trickery due to my non-sequence shooting capabilities. Woe is me. But I did manage to get Bobby Taylor's flawless fakie boardslide, and surprise guest Troy's front board pop over too. Yes! -Worful

Monday, September 13, 2010


So I went out this weekend and tried to enjoy some of this nicer weather we've been having. Saturday I picked up Schwartz and Guy and we headed to the blind school ledges once the morning rain dried up. We saw our little buddy who's house shares the same alley the ledges do. While tossing the the ol' football around he made a point of reminding us to pick up our trash when we skate there because it bums his dad out. So note to all skaters who skate that spot: please pick up your trash. All those neighbors are super nice for not calling the cops on us and whatnot, so yeah just be sure to be respectful when you're there. Next we went to the fountain where the neighbors definitely do NOT want us around (not that we don't need to be respectful there too). Bobby Taylor, Larry, Chris, Jared, and Myron were there, and Randy showed up too. We skated for a bit, but then someone called the cops and we decided to try and find a spot Randy had seen from the Metrolink recently. We couldn't find it (or WAS there even a spot to begin with?), but found a bank to skate along the way. Finally we met Gabe at another spot, but by the time we got there it was dark and we called it a day. Sorry you drove out there for nothing Gabe, ugh. We owe you a Dew. -Worful

Friday, September 10, 2010


Thanks to Bobby Taylor and We Are the City for making this sick montage that highlights some of the ripping skaters that call St. Louis home. Good work Bobby, keep it coming! -Worful


When Argus texted me the other day saying "Do you want to skate that bump near my place?" my response was simply "What time?"

Thursday, September 9, 2010


Happy birthday Chris! Hope it was a good one. Here's some pictures of him at the St. Charles park by Wissman. Look at him get all "Leo" on that hubba!

Wednesday, September 8, 2010


I spent some time in Chicago this past weekend and got to hang out with some sweet dudes, namely St. Louis' hometown hero David Uthus. I also got to meet Windy City rippers Ryan, Dan and Nick. We skated, we ate good food and had one hell of a great labor day. Thanks to everyone's Chicago come down to St. Louis and rip it up! Here are some snaps of the weekend. Sick Ryan!


PS And yes, I do know how stupid the title of the post is, but what can I say? I'm just not that smart, so "Chicagbros" is what you get.