Yesterday was very COLD. But Randy called me to go skating anyway, so we went downtown to Keiner Plaza to meet up with Jake, Jabari, Jared, Larry, and Chris for a session. Jabari got some nice footage with Jake, but you'll have to wait for a future project to see the photo. Meanwhile, Randy tried to warm up with a front board bonk thingy, then he tried filming a line while navigating through the matrix of ledges at the fountain. We ended up getting kicked out though, so we headed to some other spots. But we got kicked out of all of THOSE spots too, one after the other. Then David and Jack called and what do you know, they were at Keiner Plaza. So we headed back there as the sun started to set and it got even colder out. Our toes were too frozen to skate at that point, so we just watched Randy skate instead. -Worful