On Sunday I met up with Alex and Gabe down at Keiner. It was super nice out and the longer we were there the more people showed up to skate. Alex fought a long battle and finally got a kickflip backlip he's been wanting for awhile. We were all really stoked, and so was the gaggle of girls that had been watching him. Lots of interesting characters were out, including this nice dude named Tyler. He hadn't skated in awhile and asked if he could use my board while I was shooting photos. After warming up for a bit he decided to try to ollie the big gap, but unfortunately didn't stick it. After being at Keiner for awhile we decided to check out a spot near the Muska bank. However the apparent troll that lives near the bank decided to scream at us like a lunatic and call the cops on us. Awesome! So we left and headed over to this hip spot that Jack had found off 55. We ended things at Shepard, which was full of people enjoying the sun in the form of basketball and double dutch. Later I met up with Jack, Alex, and Gabe at Imo's for a quick birthday treat for Gabe. It didn't wreak havoc on my stomach nearly as much as I thought. -Worful