So Guy and I drove to Kansas City last Thursday to set up my show at Escapist. I hadn't been to KC since the last time I went there with Guy, Randy, and Drew to skate a few years ago. So it was nice to come back after so long. It was raining when we got there, so I went ahead and started hanging my stuff. Once that was done Guy and I headed to the Nelson-Atkins museum to contemplate the meaning of art. We also spied a potential future Pretty graphic. After that I took him on a tour of the KCAI campus where I used to roam, and we ended the night with some super good burgers. The next day we skated and I accidentally somehow got a street skating photo. Thanks Guy! Guy also got one, not surprising. And then we headed back to the shop to chill before the opening. The boards on the shop wall looked great, I was so stoked. Frank was into them too, yes! -Worful