So Bobby and I went to Arizona for the weekend and we had a
crazy good time to say the least. But before we left we thought it would be fun to sit at the airport for a few hours. Actually our flight got cancelled and then the new one we got on was delayed, but never the less we made it to there late that night and Tim was there to pick us up. We immediately went to Walmart to pick up some sleeping bags and then promptly fell asleep on Tim's floor. The next morning we went straight to
The Wedge so Bobby could try and kickflip it (he wussed out), but instead we skated the park and Tim gave us a tour of the many notable things to skate around said park. None of which we actually skated, but the tour was fun all the same. T.J. and
Kevin showed up and ripped. Then we moved on to the Icehouse ledge, but things quickly gravitated across the street to this tall electrical box that
SOMEONE somehow nollie noseslid before. And as we skated there more and more dudes showed up, and they all were killing it! They were also all super nice and fun to be around as we quickly found out. The electrical box was pretty much shut down by
Ryan, so we headed over to some hubbas to scope them out. But Ryan thought it was only logical to drop in on the wall there, duh. It was heavily documented due to it's amazing and confusing nature. Next we went to this really fun parking garage. At this point Bob and I were really feeling the vibe of the day and all the spots, it felt like home. And yeah the parking garage was suuuuuper good and yielded quite a session. Plus
Peter showed up! Preston and him took things to the edge, and then T.J. took things to the
dome. I also ran across the street to catch Dylan
style his way through a crooked ledge, during which a dude on a bike rode by informing us of a new "skatepark" nearby. Intrigued, we headed off in search of what would surely be and
epic diamond in the rough. But it ended up just being rough, but also fun! Ryan continued his
destruction as well. After such a fun day we were told there was only one way to put an exclamation point on it:
pizza. -Worful