So Bobby, Guy, Jake, and I drove to Columbia to see the
Birdhouse Skateboards demo this past Saturday. I forgot to bring any music, so we had to fill the time with stimulating conversation. When we got to the skate park we were shocked at how many people were there. But then we remembered that TONY HAWK was going to be there. He's unfadable and put on a really good demo along with the rest of the team, thanks guys! Randy seemed pleased with how everything turned out. His parents made it there, which was sweet. So did Lucy and HER parents! Also her amazing and amazingly small dog, Pontz. Brandon and Ryan were there, and Jeff made it in all the way from Arizona as promised. Even
the rad one himself Andy Wissman was there, and it was nice to finally meet him. Drew's fans showed up too. We skated the park a little bit, and played some S.K.A.T.E. as usual. All in all it was a really fun day, but it seemed incomplete until we stopped by
one more spot for a quick session. -Worful
Editor's note: We totally blew it and didn't get there until after the street demo was over. We had the wrong time, we were bummed. So yeah, no photos of the street demo, sorry!