Just letting you know about a pretty dang sweet deal over at Sublette's Bandcamp page. You can get his whole discography (15 releases) for a discounted price of $71.25. Help that boy meet his daily candy requirement and get yourself some rad tunes at the same time.
Behold, the trailer for Sam's forthcoming masterpiece Shut Up Mom!. The premiere is Saturday, November 28 at 11pm, at Cusamanos. See you there! -Worful
I had my first "generation shock" today when I went to meet up with fellow Illinois inhabitant David Kern and film him execute something only previously thought to be nothing more than local skate lore. The last time I skated with David his mom approached Derek and I at Troy skate park to tell us how much her two pre-pubescent un-ironically-colored-griptape-clad Christmas-complete sporting kids looked up to us. I didn't have enough breath in my body to explain to her how terrible of a role model we both were, but inevitably time makes pros of us all! After David 5050'd this rail I'm planning on sending my mom over to his house to tell him how much her disposable-jointed son looks up to him.
I used to be able to do fakie inward heelflips. True story. I've done it once for sure. Possibly twice. I think? Whatever. ANYWAY. The folks over at the Ride Channel interviewed Randy and others about losing tricks over time. -Worful
Sam Corkery's newest masterpiece Shut Up Mom! will be premiering Saturday, November 28th at 11pm at Cusumonos (7147 Manchester). Featuring Tyler Hoppe, Derrick Smith, Murphy Frain, Max Wheeler, and more. Come check it out! Lovely cover by Cory Montero. -Worful
It looks like the boys in Tempe put on another stellar Halloween party! Cameos by Randy, Devin, Derek, Preston, and many more. And wait is that the Muska?! -Worful
Went to the Washington, MO park last night only for it to start raining as soon as we got there. But we still had a good time. And then it dried up! So all was well. -Worful
With the aid of cutting edge digital high definition image capturing technology, myself and Preston filmed the Send Help team skating the Perryville park from slightly different angles to create a groundbreaking 3D effect. Here's how it works: simply go to your local Best Buy, purchase two Dell computers, take them home, take them out of their boxes, plug them in, turn them on, open Internet Explore on both of them, use Bing to search for my video on one computer and Preston's video on the other, press play on both videos at the exact same time, place a pair of 3D glasses anywhere on your face, sit back, and WATCH OUT because professional skateboarder Randy Ploesser and friends will appear to be skating right out the SCREEN! -Worful
Check out our friends Bully in their new video, and catch them live tomorow night at Off Broadway! Get tickets at the door or in advance right here. -Worful
Alex got the "cover" of Infinity this month! Infinity logo by Gabe, photo of Alex by me, printing and installing by Bob. Truly a team effort! Photo of the boys by Kupono. -Worful
Big congratulations to Prince Zurheem on getting hitched over the weekend! We couldn't be more stoked for the happy couple. You did it Champ! May you both reign supreme. -Worful
Gabe and the boys have really been putting in work searching and destroying lately, finding and killing lots of great spots tucked away in the city. Can't wait to see what they've been working on! -Worful