We war lucky enough to have Randy in town on a Send Help trip, so he came with as Ari and Vlad lead us on a long hike up South Mountain. It was super fun, and Ari even got enlisted by a photographer to help assist while he was shooting photos of a yoga instructor. He did great! Afterward we had a relaxing yet controversial dip in the hot tub at the hotel where Randy was staying. Meanwhile, on the skating front, we went from one ditch to another and hit up the famous pop over ledge next. There was a gang of razor scooter kids there when we arrived, but luckily they didn't beat us up. After that we met up with Vlad and hit the also famous northern ditch. At first we thought it was too dirty to skate, but Vlad soon proved us wrong. Vlad, Vlad, Vlad! So rad. We headed to a school next and everyone got some. I also had the pleasure to meet and skate with the ever energetic and stylish Ted Schmidtz. Quite a rad dude. Finally we ended things with a nice session at Pecos Skatepark. What a sick park! Anyway thanks SO much to everyone for hanging out and showing Bob and I such a good time! We had a blast, and yesterday's snow is making me miss the AZ sun. -Worful
Bob and I's first official street mission happened our first night. After warming up at Tempe 3 Tim and Vlad brought us to Deck Park (the much better version of Keiner Plaza of the southwest, as seen here) where we met up with Brad Westcott and Dylan Messer! Then we cruised around downtown and skated a manual/ledge for awhile, super fun. The next morning Ashley was nice enough to cook us all breakfast, after which we all got in the "mood" by watching some Feedback. Then we met up with CJ and Wissman and hit a ditch of course. -Worful
So Bobby and I had the pleasure of going to sunny Arizona once again this past week. Ari, Vlad, and Vlad's lovely girlfriend Ashley were nice enough to let us crash at their place. Thanks you guys! Best accommodations in town. Also I was psyched that a Pretty board made their board wall. Last but not least, Tim Ward picked us up at the airport and took us straight to Venezia's. Thanks Tim! Our first day there we got to skate Tempe 3 (the Webster park of the southwest) which was super fun. It's mostly famous for being where Ari filmed his pro part. It was VERY exciting to see him skate it in real life. We also got to meet some new dudes there, including CJ from Chicago. Quite the young ripper. Also Andrew Cannon showed up! With Chris Haslam! Hella pros on the scene (including Ari of course). -Worful
Editor's note: Bob came up with this post's title, of course.