While we all patiently sit on our schwanz's and wait for Randy's board to come out at least we can get our hands on the first official Send Help board in the form of this sick Nesser graphic. Available at Familia. Meanwhile I'm loving the Send Help "remixed" ads ike this one for Randy. -Worful
I headed to Alton the other day with Randy, the Kehoes, and Chris to check out the hills and any spots we could muster up. There were definitely some nice spots to skate, as well as some neighbors who didn't appreciate us skating them. Also a park that was the concrete equivalent of the Webster park. Oh and there were lots and lots of motorcycles. -Worful
Everyone came out last Saturday night to wish our pal Joel a very happy 30th birthday. It was super fun and his gal is a real sweetheart for putting it all together. People were encouraged to dress like Joel, and there were even back up masks and mustaches if you needed them. Fun factoid: did you know that Joel has near identical back up digital versions of his friends to skate with on rainy days? It's true, and the likenesses are disturbingly real. Computers are taking OVER, people. But I digress. Anyway, it was a super good time and there even were fireworks too! -Worful
I met up with Randy and company recently to watch Randy punish himself while battling a bump to 5050 outside the stadium. He got it, and a random nice bystander even got a second angle! -Worful
Last week I met up with Alex and some dudes at the Webster park. After warming up we all headed to the Maryville campus to meet another crew of duders. Everyone was going off despite the heat. After that Alex danced on a ledge over some water (both with and without pants, for good measure) while Chris didn't avoid the water whatsoever. -Worful
Chris and company, tearing it up at the Broadway banks. Also Chris carrying over the energy into the next day's session. Meanwhile Sam's not impressed, he's never impressed. -Worful