Allen Ying, a NY-based photographer and former SLAP contributor, is starting a new print skatemag/art book called 43 Magazine.
If you have some spare cash, please donate to help get the project off the ground. Print media may be nearly extinct, but getting your skate media fix from a mind-numbing computer screen just doesn't compare to reading and holding a real book or magazine.
Now that we know that Randy's pro the next question is what will his first board look like? Our good and talented friend Chris Roeleveld had some ideas. He dug these two classic images up from his archives the other day. I believe they were both used in an old sponsor me tape that randy sent out years ago, but they might have just been digitally downloaded daydreams straight from Randy's brain. Both are fairly plausible. -Worful
As you might remember Jason is Pretty's unofficial hairstylist, he keeps us looking much better than we actually do. Thanks Jason! We hope it was a good birthday. And as always call him for an appointment if you want your hair to look awesome.
Yes! Thanks to friend of a friend and Girl Skateboards designer Hershel Baltrotsky for getting this photo posted on Crailtap. It's of Derek "D-Rock" Leroy's famous "Crailcat" tattoo. -Worful
David Uthus is somewhat of a trendsetter to say the least. So what are we to make of his latest coverage at the Webster park? Is biking the new skating? Is skating the new biking? This kid seemed to think so. His direct quote after he borrowed my board and David borrowed his bike was "There's just so much more you can DO on a skateboard mister!" I added the mister, but never the less the point is he was hooked. Meanwhile David seemed to leave his harsh ollies behind for the more cuddly sounding "bunny hops." Joel was into it for a few minutes, but then had an identity crisis and went back to ripping on his board. -Worful
Welp, Jake and Kyle Seidler seem to have things covered so you know, WHATEVER. But I too have some photos from when the Illinois rippers were in town, as well as some other ventures from last weekend. I went to "The Barracks" to meet up with the Kehoes and watched some rippage go down. Then I met up with the aforementioned rippers from our sister state, that was fun. They were on a mission! Also they were super nice enough to hide my board when accidentally left it at a spot. Thanks guys! I don't even know why I bring it out of the trunk of my car sometimes, but I digress. Then Sunday I met up with Bobby and Guy for a mellow golden hour session at the blind school. -Worful
My friend Danny had some friends come to town this weekend, including authentic Heath Ledger lookalike Stephen Perdue and the eternally hyped burn victim*/shutterbug/avid vacationer Kyle Seidler. They came to town accompanied by Northern Illinoisans Callan and Cameron. Kyle documented the entire trip and posted it on the Skate Illinois blog, so check it out, and thanks for stopping by you guys! We all miss you tremendously!
*Kyle is currently physically recovering from the burns he acquired bombing a hill. Allegedly, he mentally recovered merely moments after obtaining them, as made evident by him standing up, smiling and proclaiming, "I'm on vacation!"
Thanks so much to Templeton Elliott for featuring the Pretty blog in The Skateboard Mag! We're psyched, especially since it was in the same issue as Randy's first pro ad. Randy also had a nice triples sequence in the back, and let's not forget Bobby's favorite had an interview too.
So Ari and Vlad have been back in town this whole week, yay! But I didn't get to see them until a couple days ago, boo! I stopped by Drew's house a couple days ago to hang out, but it ended up raining. Bummer, but the rain HAS been nice what with all the hotness as of late. Anyway, so yesterday I finally got to skate with them. I met them and some other dudes at the blind school. Vlad was totally worn out from filming with Gabe before I got there, but Ari was still getting lines, as was Alex. Schwartz was there, and even Derek with his still amazing tattoo. After that we headed downtown to check out a rail and a hubba. Chris joined us to work on some nutty stuff, and Alex got some too. -Worful
Happy birthday Bobby!!! Also welcome to your 30s! Three decades of killing it as a human, wow. To celebrate we headed back to a previous birthday spot of his so he could try and get yet another sequence. And he got it folks, yeah Bob! Also Joel showed up looking like some sort of urban skate Robin Hood and proceeded to kill it in Bob's honor. He even gave him a slam as a present. Later that night Bob and I rode bikes to watch the fireworks with some friends at the Webster fair. It was a good show, as it usually is. Anyway, we love ya Bob, hope you had a good one. -Worful