Alright, I haven't posted here in awhile, I admit. I also half-heartedly apologize for being somewhat of a ruthless slacker piece of shit lately (always), but god damn it, I'd rather see another tennis courts
post post post post post than see Drew's band on our
blog. I didn't see them last Saturday and I will not see them EVER because they suck
gigantic balls compared to this band I heard this one time named
I ARE POWERWULF. Listen... I've kept things pretty civil around these parts but this will not stand. Considering team riders like Drew, of course Hood would look for a new
career (Kentucky though? for real?). We need some frickin' quality control. I mean, we have two Pretty Skateboards team riders with ulterior concerns that are far from the dedication to the growth of our skateboard company. Some may say my only concern is
late nights at Western Illinois gentlemans clubs at this point. Perhaps we all need an
Worf, for christsake, do something.
I'd also like to acknowledge that is is 4/21 now. Thank god. Get a life you fucking stoners.